Change is coming to Wisconsin

Common sense solutions, rooted in our common values

Here in western Wisconsin, we care about each other.

We want our communities to succeed. We want our families and small businesses to thrive, and our children to be well-educated and safe. We want those we love to get the care they need. We want to enjoy our beautiful natural resources and ensure future generations can, too.

But our representatives in Madison oppose the popular, common-sense legislation the majority of us support. I’ll usher in this critically needed change.

Hello, I’m Danielle

I was leading my Baldwin veterinary practice while our representatives in Madison were avoiding all calls to assist during the biggest public health crisis of our lifetime. They continue to stall on the crises that impact our state—from mental healthcare to childcare.

I’m running for Wisconsin State Assembly because I’m done waiting for change.

We deserve better from our government. We need leaders who won’t shirk their responsibilities. We need leaders who will consult experts, engage communities, look at data, and dig deep to solve problems.

I am that kind of leader.

Committed to solving our most pressing challenges—together

  • Our rural communities need quality healthcare access to thrive. But here in the 28th District, our hospitals are taking on a rising maternity care burden because the legislature hasn’t addressed our statewide rural healthcare crisis. It’s unacceptable that pregnant people must travel an hour or more for care, and it results in less prenatal care and poorer outcomes, which we’re already starting to see.

    What’s more, people in mental health crises have to be transported to the other side of the state by law enforcement to receive care. This problem has existed for years, yet the legislature has done nothing to solve it. We need real solutions that will stop treating patients like criminals and get law enforcement back on the job.

    When I’m elected, I’ll address the challenges before us so you can get the quality care you need—when you need it.

  • Childcare is the work that enables other work to happen. Yet western Wisconsin is a childcare desert—and the few hundred dollars in tax refunds legislators propose for families won’t come close to fixing the problem.

    When I’m elected, I’ll address the childcare burden and deliver the support families and employers need—from state programs that grow our childcare capacity to private-public partnerships that help employers cover the cost of childcare.

  • Contaminated wells and fish kills are no longer uncommon occurrences in Wisconsin. We cannot take clean water for granted. We need safe water to drink and clean lakes, rivers, and streams to support the plants and animals that make up our beautiful wild spaces.

    While we all agree we need clean water, the legislative majority has failed time and time again to bring solutions. We need lawmakers who will work with the governor to hold polluters accountable and provide resources to local governments to combat the problem.

    We can no longer wait to tackle this issue.

  • Investing in our kids and teachers is one of the best investments we can make. Still, the state legislature has chronically underfunded our public schools—and now they’re sending more of our tax-payer dollars to unaccountable private schools, further defunding our public education system.

    When I’m elected, I’ll advocate for fully funded public schools so we can recruit and retain great teachers, help our kids realize their full potential, and attract the families to our state needed to grow our economy.

  • Women are qualified to make difficult decisions that affect their health and their families’ well-being, and they should have the freedom to do so. Yet, today, Wisconsin law is unclear.

    When I’m elected, I’ll work to codify a woman’s right to birth control, IVF, and reproductive care. The government should not interfere with a woman’s private medical decisions. Rather, she should be free to make these decisions privately and in consultation with medical doctors and other family members as she chooses.

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